@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
ifnull(sum(case when betting_type = 0 then betting_amount else 0.00 end), 0.00) as diamondCoinSum,
ifnull(sum(case when betting_type = 0 and is_winning = 1 then betting_amount * betting_multiple else 0.00 end), 0.00) as diamondCoinWin,
ifnull(sum(case when betting_type = 0 and is_winning = 2 then betting_amount else 0.00 end), 0.00) as diamondCoinLose
- from app_game_betting and game_id = #{gameId} and date_format(create_time, '%Y-%m-%d') = #{dateStr})
+ from app_game_betting where game_id = #{gameId} and date_format(create_time, '%Y-%m-%d') = #{dateStr}
<select id="getBettingAmountByGameDate" resultType="com.game.business.vo.AppUserGameBettingDetailsCountVO">