//\u82F1\u8BED\u8A00\u7FFB\u8BD1\u8BED\u8A00\u6587\u4EF6 10001=IM expired! 10002=Execution failed. 10003=You are not authorized. 10004=Unknown error. 10005=Token has expired. 10006=Invalid livestream type. 10007=Invalid room number. 10008=Guild ID cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10011=Upload failed. 10016=channelName is empty! 10017=Please provide your WeChat ID. 10018=You must save your information before opening a blind box. 10019=Insufficient balance, please recharge. 100191=The video does not exist or has been taken down. 10020=Insufficient inventory, please try again later. 10021=You must upload your real photo. 10022=Please put one of your blind boxes on sale before coming back. 10023=Please provide a Agency name. 10024=Please upload a Agency icon. 10025=Agency ID cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10026=Not yet available. 10027=Please provide a Agency description. 10028=Please provide a Agency announcement. 10029=Please provide a reason for dissolution. 10030=Please provide a reason for applying to join the Agency. 10031=User ID for review cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10032=Incorrect review status. 10033=User ID for kicking cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10034=Please select a report type. 10035=User ID cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10036=User ID being viewed cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10037=Invalid role setting. 10038=Please fill in the content for the pinned message. 10040=You have already created a Agency, you cannot create another one. 10041=You need to have certain qualifications to create a Agency. 10042=Only anchors can create a Agency. 10043=You have already joined one Agency, you cannot create another one. 10044=The Agency does not exist. 10045=The Agency has not been approved or has been disbanded. 10046=No permission. 10047=The Agency does not exist or has been disbanded. 10048=The Agency does not exist, incorrect information. 10049=The square does not allow disbandment. 10050=The administrator is handling it, no need to apply again. 10051=The Agency has been disbanded, no need to apply again. 10052=The Agency application has not been approved, and you want to apply for disbandment? 10053=The Agency application has not been approved, you cannot join temporarily. 10054=The Agency has been disbanded, please look for other families. 10055=Female users are currently not allowed to join a Agency! 10056=The Agency is full, please look for other families. 10057=You already have an Agency. 10058=Your account balance of {0} is insufficient, please recharge in time. 10059=You have already applied, please refresh. 10060=Your application has been approved, please refresh. 10061=The Agency does not exist or the Agency application has not been approved. 10062=You are not in this Agency. 10063=The maximum number of members in your Agency has been reached, please contact the administrator if needed. 10064=The user has already joined another Agency, please refresh the page. 10065=The user's remaining coins are not enough to send red envelopes to enter the group. 10066=The user has not applied to join your Agency, please refresh and check. 10067=The user has already joined an Agency. 10068=You have rejected the user's request to join your Agency. 10069=You cannot kick yourself out of the Agency. 10072=As the leader, you cannot leave the Agency. 10073=You are not in this Agency, the Agency may have been disbanded. 10074=The Agency does not exist or has been disbanded. 10075=You can only report an Agency three times a day. 10076=The Agency has been disbanded or the application has not been approved. 10077=You are not in this Agency. 10078=You cannot mute yourself. 10079=You cannot mute the leader. 10080=You cannot perform this operation because the other person's title is higher or the same as yours. 10081=The user has been muted, remaining time: {0}. 10082=You and the other person are not in the same Agency or one of you has left the Agency. 10083=This operation is not allowed in the square. 10084=The position has reached its limit. 10085=You have been muted. 10086=Sender user does not exist. 10087=Receiver user does not exist. 10089=Female users have not completed real-person authentication, please try again after authentication. 10090=Anchors cannot chat with anchors (\u2299o\u2299)Oh! 10091=Anchors cannot chat with users (\u2299o\u2299)Oh! 10092=Males cannot chat with males (\u2299o\u2299)Oh! 10093=Females cannot chat with females (\u2299o\u2299)Oh! 10094=You have been blocked!! 10095=Only nobles can send messages. 10096=Please activate SVIP. 10100=Guests cannot use this feature. 10101=Params parameter cannot be empty. 10102=Cloud storage is either overdue or disabled. 10103=Invalid scene parameter. 10104=Dynamic ID cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10105=Invalid dynamic query type. 10106=objId cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10107=Comment content cannot be empty. 10108=Comment ID cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10110=Reported dynamic ID cannot be less than 0. 10111=Report type name cannot be empty. 10112=Invalid operation type. 10115=Males cannot post dynamics. 10116=Females cannot post dynamics. 10117=User does not exist! 10121=Please upload video resources! 10122=Please upload image resources! 10123=Unknown dynamic type. 10126=Comment content has been blocked. 10128=No permission to delete. 10129=Does not exist or has been deleted. 10130=No copyright. 10131=Please authenticate first. 10133=Content cannot contain blocked words! 10134=You have enabled youth mode. 10135=Please set {0} to view private dynamics. 10136=You have enabled youth mode and cannot use this feature! 10137=Video not found. 10138=Dynamic not found, may have been deleted. 10139=The dynamic has been pinned, please refresh and try again. 10140=The dynamic has been unpinned, please refresh and try again. 10141=You can only pin up to {0} dynamics. 10143=Failed to retrieve earnings information! Withdrawal rules are not configured! 10144=Please select an exchange rule! 10145=Insufficient commission. 10146=Name cannot be empty. 10147=Account cannot be empty. 10148=Branch name cannot be empty. 10149=Bank name cannot be empty. 10150=The account does not exist! 10151=No permission to delete the account. 10152=Deletion failed! 10153=Please enter the withdrawal amount. 10154=Phone number cannot be empty. 10155=Invalid phone number format. 10156=Please enter the correct verification code. 10157=The user does not exist. 10158=No such user. 10159=User does not exist. 10161=Please select an ID. 10162=Withdrawal type not specified. 10163=Withdrawal user not specified. 10164=User information not found. 10165=Insufficient remaining {0}. 10166=Guild does not exist! 10167=Account does not exist. 10168=No permission to perform the operation. 10169=Please authenticate first. 10170=Your withdrawal is pending review. Please try again later. 10171=Insufficient {0} for withdrawal. Please refresh and try again. 10172=Insufficient commission for withdrawal. Please refresh and try again. 10173=Please select a withdrawal account. 10174=Insufficient account balance. 10175=Merchant information is abnormal. 10176=Withdrawal amount cannot be less than {0}. 10177=Withdrawal amount cannot exceed {0}. 10178=Maximum number of withdrawals reached for today. 10179=Maximum number of withdrawals reached for this month. 10182=Order does not exist. 10183=Package has been canceled and cannot be purchased. 10184=Cannot purchase a package lower than the current level. 10186=Payment parameters not found. 10188=Payment channel not found. 10189=Failed to retrieve payment parameters. 10190=Apple verification failed, empty response data. 10191=Current transaction is not in the transaction list. 10193=Do not submit the application repeatedly! 10194=You are currently applying to join another guild. 10195=You are already a member of this guild! 10196=You are already a member of another guild. 10197=Please fill in your talent! 10198=Please fill in your daily live-streaming time! 10199=Please fill in your daily closing time! 10200=Please fill in your expected earnings! 10201=Certificate file information should not exceed 5 files! 10202=Only anchors can join guilds. 10203=Application record not found. 10204=No permission to perform the operation! 10205=Please provide a reason for rejection! 10206=Review failed. 10207=You do not belong to this guild! 10208=Your guild account still has a balance, please withdraw first! 10209=You currently have a pending withdrawal, cannot apply to leave the guild. 10210=Please provide a reason for leaving! 10211=Failed to apply for leaving the guild! 10212=Exit application record not found. 10214=Failed to create dating user. 10215=Failed to update user information. 10216=User information not found. 10217=Insufficient points balance. 10218=Failed to make the call. 10219=Function not available yet. 10220=Maximum sign-in limit reached for today. Come back tomorrow. 10221=Next sign-in available in {0}. 10222=Please enter a valid date. 10223=Failed to retrieve. 10224=Cannot draw a lucky treasure box at the current time. 10228=Cannot beg for rewards from yourself. 10229=Begging gift ID cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10230=Room number cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10231=Insufficient balance, please recharge. 10232=Operation failed! 10233=VIP number does not exist! 10234=VIP number has been sold! 10235=Purchase failed! 10236=Dress-up failed! 10237=Submission failed! 10238=Gift not found. 10239=This gift cannot be begged for. 10240=Invalid type. 10241=Task does not exist. 10242=Failed to retrieve privilege information. 10243=Privilege not found. 10244=Cannot become your own guardian. 10245=Please enter a title. 10246=Title should be within 8 characters. 10247=There has been a change in status. Please refresh the page before proceeding. 10248=Room password must be a 6-digit number. 10251=You do not have permission to close this live-streaming room. 10252=You need to stream for at least {0} minutes. 10253=Live-streaming has been closed. 10254=This room is locked. Check out other rooms. 10255=You have been kicked out of the room. Remaining time: {0} seconds. 10256=Incorrect password. 10260=Live-streaming room does not exist. Please contact the administrator. 10261=Setting failed. 10267=Announcement content cannot contain blocked words. 10268=Modification failed. 10269=There are no viewers in the current live-streaming room. 10271=Invalid room type. 10273=Room title cannot be empty. 10274=Invalid room lock status. 10275=Cannot leave the room during a PK. 10276=Function under development. 10277=Room number is empty. 10278=Template ID is empty. 10282=This live-streaming room does not exist or has ended. 10283=No permission to perform the operation. 10284=Administrator limit reached. 10285=Already added. 10286=Failed to add. 10287=This user is not your administrator. 10288=They are currently hosting and cannot be removed as an administrator. 10289=Removal failed. 10290=This person is a noble and cannot be kicked out of the room. 10291=The operator is not in the room. 10292=No permission to perform the operation. 10293=Cannot kick someone from a timed room. 10294=Cannot kick a host from the microphone. 10295=This person is a noble and cannot be muted. 10296=You have already purchased a VIP seat for this room. 10297=Cannot modify room mode in the current state. 10298=Cannot change to the same room mode. 10299=Room type has already been modified once and cannot be modified again. 10303=Title contains illegal characters. 10304=Live-streaming room has been closed. 10305=Incorrect gift quantity. 10306=Upload failed, user does not exist. 10307=Incorrect user ID. 10308=Room red envelope: No room number specified. 10309=Designated red envelope: No user ID specified. 10310=Red envelope quantity should be between 1 and 100. 10312=Not available yet, please stay tuned. 10313=Red envelope ID cannot be less than 0. 10314=Operation failed, state does not exist. 10315=Operation failed, ID does not exist. 10316=Operation failed! 10317=User has not set contact information. 10318=User is not in the room. 10319=Sender's contact information not found. 10320=Failed to add, this music 10321=You have been blocked by the other party! 10322=Live-streaming has ended. 10324=Red envelope is missing. 10325=Red envelope has expired. 10326=Red envelope does not exist. 10329=The message you sent contains blocked words. 10332=Operation failed. 10333=Related activity not found. 10334=Failed to modify authentication information. 10335=Username contains blocked words. 10336=Signature contains blocked words. 10337=Real name cannot be empty! 10338=Mobile number cannot be empty! 10339=WeChat account cannot be empty! 10340=ID card number cannot be empty! 10341=Invalid phone number format. 10342=Mobile number is already in use! 10343=ID card front photo cannot be empty! 10344=ID card back photo cannot be empty! 10345=Hand-held photo cannot be empty! 10346=Please complete user information first. 10347=Uploaded video cannot be empty! 10348=Please complete the previous step first. 10349=Not authenticated. 10350=Awaiting review. 10351=The joining amount cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10352=Fan club name cannot be empty. 10353=Cannot be less than the minimum joining price. 10354=Anchor ID cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10355=The anchor does not need to join the fan club. 10358=This account is abnormal and cannot make purchases. 10361=User does not exist, may have been deactivated. 10362=Cannot follow yourself! 10363=The user ID being followed cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10364=Incorrect password! 10365=Verification code does not exist or has expired. 10366=Incorrect type parameter. 10367=You already have a voice and cannot publish again. 10368=Value cannot be empty. 10369=Value cannot be empty. 10370=Please enter a new password. 10371=Please enter the new password again. 10372=The passwords entered do not match. 10373=Incorrect version parameter. 10375=Registration ID is empty, no update. 10376=You cannot set a nickname for yourself. 10377=The nickname can have a maximum of 15 characters. 10378=Incorrect data type. 10379=Avatar ID cannot be empty. 10380=Data content cannot be empty. 10381=Data ID cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10382=Only Miss Certification is supported. 10383=You are already an anchor. It may be due to network issues that caused data inconsistency. You can try changing the network or closing the app and reopening it. 10384=Only females can be certified. 10385=Failed to apply for certification: 10391=You are already a member of the fan club. 10392=Package does not exist. 10393=The selected package cannot be lower than the user's current package. 10394=Invalid noble parameter. 10396=Username is empty or contains blocked words. 10397=Signature is under review, please wait patiently. 10398=User information not found. 10399=Guest account cannot be deactivated! 10400=Please enter an invitation code. 10401=Incorrect invitation code. 10402=Do not bind the invitation code repeatedly. 10403=Inviter does not exist. 10404=Cannot bind yourself. 10405=Failed to bind - circular binding. 10406=Failed to bind: 10407=Failed to bind. 10408=Sign-in function is not available yet. 10409=You have already signed in today. 10410=Data type and data content do not match. 10411=You can upload a maximum of 8 images. 10412=Image not found. 10413=The image cannot be deleted, only replaced. 10414=The image is under review and cannot be deleted. 10415=The image does not belong to you, cannot be deleted. 10424=Image URL not uploaded. 10426=Request failed. 10427=Please provide a user ID. 10428=No valid characters detected. 10429=Pornography detection configuration not found. 104301=Content violation, provide a warning 104302=Content violation, close the live stream 104303=Content contains violations, not approved 104304=Your behavior is suspected of violating the rules. Please regulate your behavior. The video will automatically resume after {0} seconds. 10431=Insufficient translation count. You can become a noble member to enjoy unlimited translation. 10432=Live stream date cannot be empty. 10433=Live stream start time cannot be empty. 10435=Poster sticker cannot be empty. 10436=Title cannot be empty. 10437=Start time must be later than the current time. 10438=Announcement ID cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10439=Merchant logo cannot be empty. 10440=Merchant name cannot be empty. 10441=Incorrect phone number format! 10442=Anchor ID cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10443=Recipient's name cannot be empty. 10444=Recipient's phone number cannot be empty. 10445=Province cannot be empty. 10446=City cannot be empty. 10447=District cannot be empty. 10448=Detailed address cannot be empty. 10449=Shipping address ID cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10450=Shopping cart ID cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10451=Deletion failed. 10452=Shipping address cannot be empty. 10453=Product exception. 10454=Channel ID cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10455=Product name cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10456=Category ID cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10457=Product brief image cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10458=Product ID cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10459=Product status cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10460=Serial number cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10461=Operation type can only be 1 or 2. 10462=Please add the product to the live stream list before setting. 10463=Please provide a reason for refusal. 10464=Merchant does not exist. 10465=Merchant status cannot be empty. 10466=The number of live stream announcements for the day cannot exceed {0}. 10467=You already have a small store. Please do not submit the application repeatedly! 10468=Merchant information not found. 10469=Merchant information not found. 10470=Failed to obtain live stream information. 10471=Merchant does not exist. Please contact the administrator. 10472=Merchant information under freeze cannot be modified. 10473=Your small store information is under review. After approval, you can modify it again. 10474=Insufficient stock. 10475=Shopping cart does not exist. 10476=Product does not exist. 10478=Merchant information error. Please contact the administrator. 10479=Creation failed. 10480=The product you are trying to operate does not exist. Please contact the administrator. 10481=The product you are trying to delete does not exist. Please contact the administrator. 10482=Order information error. Please contact the administrator. 10483=This order cannot be refunded. 10484=This order is already in the process of refund. You cannot cancel the refund request. Please contact the seller. 10485=Incorrect order status. Unable to proceed with the operation. 10489=Insufficient balance. 10491=You have enabled youth mode and cannot send gifts. 10492=Video commenting is currently not available on the platform. 10493=Incorrect category ID provided. 10494=Short video ID cannot be less than 0. 10495=Reported short video ID cannot be less than 0. 10497=TV show ID cannot be less than 0. 10498=TV show episode ID cannot be less than 0. 10499=Viewing duration cannot be less than 0. 10500=Please provide a comment. 10504=Video source not found. 10505=Video not found. 10506=You have already purchased this video. Try refreshing the page. 10507=This video does not require a purchase! Refresh the page. 10508=You need to log in to watch this video. 10509=You are a noble member and do not need to purchase! Refresh the page. 10510=Only noble members can watch this video. 10511=The video may have been taken down. 10512=User is disabled! 10513=Correct password. 10514=User exception! 10517=Identifier cannot be empty. 10518=Key verification failed! 10519=Please enter a phone number. 10520=Verification code cannot be empty. 10521=Nickname cannot be empty. 10524=Reported user ID cannot be less than 0. 10525=Notification sound switch setting error: 10526=Not the current user! 10527=Password cannot be empty. 10528=Passwords do not match. 10529=Please log in again. 10530=Disabled user ID cannot be empty. 10531=Please select at least one disable time. 10532=Please enter a positive integer. 10533=Disable reason cannot be empty. 10534=Cannot disable guest users. 10535=The anchor still has withdrawal balance. Please close the [Cancellation Switch]. 10536=Invalid operation. 10537=User ID cannot be empty or less than 0. 10538=Incorrect superior type. 10539=Bound superior ID cannot be empty or less than 0. 10540=Configuration not found. Please exit the page and re-enter. 10542=Phone number cannot be empty! 10543=Please enter a password! 10544=This phone number has already been registered! 10545=The current account has been canceled. {0} days remaining until re-registration. 10546=Method call error. 10547=One-click login token is empty! 10548=One-click login is not supported on this device. 10549=OpenID cannot be empty. 10550=Login method is not available. 10551=This feature is not yet available. 10553=Invalid login type. 105551=Login prohibited. 105552=Live broadcasting/calling prohibited. 105553=Dynamic posting prohibited. 105554=Comment/reply prohibited. 105555=Speaking in live room prohibited. 10556=Phone number already exists. 10557=Phone number does not exist. 10558=This interface has been disabled! 10559=Daily sending limit exceeded! 10560=Daily sending limit for phone number exceeded! 10561=Please try again later. 10562=Sending failed. 10563=Phone number is not registered. 10565=Phone number is already registered. 10568=User does not exist or has been canceled. 10569=The user has multiple superiors simultaneously, data is incorrect. 10570=The user you entered does not exist, please verify and enter again. 10571=The user has no superior, cannot unbind. 10572=The user does not have {0}, cannot unbind. 10573=The user already has a superior, please unbind first. 10574=The superior user you entered does not exist, please verify and enter again. 10575=The {0} you entered does not exist, please verify and enter again. 10576=This ID is not {0}! 10577=Background image does not exist, please contact the administrator. 10578=No permission! 10579=Room number cannot be empty. 10580=User ID for applying for host position cannot be empty. 10581=Status has changed, please refresh and try again. 10582=Operation successful. 10583=Currently live, cannot start again. 10585=You are not in the room. 10586=You do not have permission to modify. 10587=User is not in the room. 10588=Currently on the host position, please step down first. 10589=Room and anchor ID do not match. 10590=You have already applied, please try again in 1 minute! 10591=No permission. 10592=User is currently on the host position, cannot be brought up to the stage. 10593=Rejected the invitation to go on stage. 10594=Stage is full. 105951=Stage does not exist. 105952=Stage has been blocked. 105953=Stage is occupied. 105954=Cannot go on the anchor's stage. 10596=Already on stage or stage is occupied. 105961=Successfully went on stage. 10597=Not in the room. 10598=You are not in the list of applying for the stage! 10599=Already stepped down, stop clicking! 10601=The user being kicked is not in the room. 10602=The user is on the host position, cannot make them step down. 10603=Only anchors and administrators can kick people! 10604=User is not on the stage. 106051=Inconsistent stage information with the frontend. 106052=Corresponding co-host is not on this stage. 10606=Cannot mute yourself! 10607=You are not in the room! 10608=You do not have permission. 10609=The other person is not in the room! 10610=The user is on the host position, cannot mute them. 10611=No user on the stage. 10612=Cannot operate when not in the room. 10613=No operational permission. 10615=Stage is occupied, cannot operate. 10616=Duplicate operation. 10617=Cannot invite yourself. 10618=The user is already on the stage. 10619=User is currently on the host position, cannot go on a regular stage. 10620=This function only supports inviting anchors. 10621=The other person is offline. 10622=The other person has enabled do 10623=The other person is busy. 106241=The user has enabled Do Not Disturb mode, please try again later. 106242=The online status value set by the other person is inconsistent. 10625=Already invited, please try again in 1 minute! 10626=No available stage at the moment. 10627=The user you invited has been kicked out of the room. Remaining time: {0} seconds. 10628=Invited user is not in the room. 10629=You have already invited this user, try again later. 10630=Cannot bring yourself on stage. 10631=Already on stage. 10632=The invited user does not exist. 10633=Cannot invite users outside the live room. 10634=No available user stages. 10635=Failed to bring audience member on stage in the room! 10636=You are currently on the host position and cannot go on a regular stage. 10638=Stage is full! 10639=Never entered the room. 10640=Emoticon does not exist! 10641=Inconsistent room owner ID! 10642=No permission to initiate PK. 106431=Matching in progress. 106432=Already in a PK! 10644=Insufficient number of participants for intense team battle. 10645=You are not an administrator or room owner, cannot go on the host position. 10646=You are already a host. 10647=You are currently on a regular stage, please step down and then go on the host position. 10648=Cannot go on the host position during PK. 10649=You are not in the room. 10650=You are not the host, no permission. 10651=You are not an administrator or room owner, cannot operate the down host position. 10652=You are not on the host position. 10653=Cannot leave the host position during PK. 10654=Report type ID cannot be less than or equal to 0. 10655=You're here~~ 10666=Posted the 1st dynamic. 10667=Said hello to TA for the first time. 10668=Reached 100\u2103 intimacy level with TA in chat. 10669=First time guarding TA. 10770=Posted the 1st short video. 10771=Started the 1st video livestream. 10772=Started the 1st voice livestream. 10773=First time having a voice call with TA. 10774=First time having a video call with TA. 10775=First time becoming a certified host. 10776=First time posting a private dynamic. 10777=First time being guarded. 10778=First withdrawal. 10779=Embarking on a new world of livestreaming~ 10880=Wow~ Livestreaming can actually make money, needle-precise~ 10881=Redundant dynamic. 10882==> Welcome. 10883=Joined the livestream room. 10884=Agency report processed, Agency report ID: 10885=Dynamic report processed, dynamic report ID: 10886=Successful withdrawal operation ID: 10887=Dynamic review result: 10889=Host 10890= 10891=Livestream started. 10892=Livestream closed. 10893=Entered the livestream room. 10894=TA came to see [@]. 10895=Fan club member enters. 10896=Left the livestream room. 10897=Initiated a co-streaming request. 10898=Browsing [@]'s profile. 10899=Failed task: 10900=Task completed! 10901=Task in progress: 10902=Exceeded 20 queries here! 10903=Query here more than 20 times! 10904=Insufficient funds! 10905=Sunday 10906=Monday 10907=Tuesday 10908=Wednesday 10909=Thursday 10910=Friday 10911=Saturday 10912=You are currently in a call with a host, connecting will deduct your 10913=Oh~ 10914=He has enabled paid video calls. 10915=He has enabled paid voice calls. 10916=Only nobles can enter this room. 10917=Please enter the room password. 10918=This is a time-based charging room. 10919=This is a paid room. 10920=I rewarded your video [@]. 10921=This room is time-based, you need to pay ${code} per minute. 10922=This is a password-protected room, please enter the password. 10923=This is a ticketed room, please pay ${code}. 10924=Choose your chat style and find a soulmate. 10925=Host 10926=TA has hidden their location. 10927=Created a fan club group chat successfully. 10928=Hello everyone. 10929=Call duration: %s minutes, consumed: %s. 10930=TA is online. 10931=The person you follow, @%s, is online. Go play with them. 10932=Live now! 10933=The person you follow, @%s, is livestreaming. Come and watch. 10934=Incoming call reminder 10935=%s sent you 1 call, click to answer. 10936=Call reminder 10937=%s has canceled the call. 10938=Call has timed out. 10939=New dynamic! 10940=The person you follow, @%s, has posted a new work: %s. 10941=New comment received 10942=Received 1 comment from @%s. 10943=New work! 10944=Sent 1 image, click to view. 10945=Sent 1 voice message, click to listen. 10946=Sent you 1 gift, click to view. 10947=New appointment order. 10948=New appointment order received, click to view. 10949=Offline. 10950=Busy. 10951=Online. 10952=In a call. 10953=Watching a livestream. 10954=Matching. 10955=Live-streaming. 10956=Leaving. 10957=No livestream in progress. 10959=Invite others for a call. 10960=Being invited. 10962=Host of the livestream. 10963=Livestream viewer. 10964=Page error: 10965=Token expired. 10966=Financial-related message. 10967=Invalid verification code. 10968=Invalid username. 10969=Your account has been disabled. Please contact the platform administrator. 10970=Login failed! 10971=Milliseconds. 10972=Days. 10973=Hours. 10974=Minutes. 10975=Seconds. 10976=Just now. 10977=Days ago. 10978=Hours ago. 10979=Minutes ago. 10980=Seconds ago. 10981=Year. 10982=Month. 10983=Day. 10984=Not a valid ID card number, please check. 10985=Invalid ID card number, please check. 10986=Unknown. 10987=Male. 10988=Female. 10989=Image path is empty. 10990=Months ago. 10991=Years ago. 10992=Time error. 10993=Yesterday. 10994=Zodiac sign: 10995=Chinese zodiac: 10996=Monkey. 10997=Rooster. 10998=Dog. 10999=Pig. 11000=Rat. 11001=Ox. 11002=Tiger. 11003=Rabbit. 11004=Dragon. 11005=Snake. 11006=Horse. 11007=Sheep. 11008=Aquarius. 11009=Pisces. 11010=Aries. 11011=Taurus. 11012=Gemini. 11013=Cancer. 11014=Leo. 11015=Virgo. 11016=Libra. 11017=Scorpio. 11018=Sagittarius. 11019=Capricorn. 11020=Response status: 11021=Success. 11022=Query successful. 11023=Not applied for host certification. 11024=Modification successful. 11025=Data filling in progress. 11026=Host certification under review. 11027=Unbound due to superior's cancellation. 11028=User account canceled, user ID: {} 11029=Request successful! 11030=APP invitation code binding, invitation code: 11031=Agent deduction-APP invitation code binding, invitation code: 11032=Check-in reward. 11033=Check-in. 11034=No audit enabled, passed directly. 11035=Deletion successful. 11036=System. 11037=Modified by the backend, passed directly. 11038=Request exception. 11039=Test task started. 11040=Initiated interaction request. 11041=Initiated PK request. 11042=Co-streaming closed. 11043=PK victory. 11044=User initiated co-streaming request. 11045=Set as administrator. 11046=Administrator role removed. 11047=Muted. 11048=Unmounted. 11049=Kicked out of the room. 11050=I illuminated it. 11051=Exiting room due to insufficient balance in timed room. 11052=Gifted. 11053=Purchased guardian. 11054=Followed the host. 11055=Host is back. 11056=Host left. 11057=Matching you with a PK host. 11058=Initiated host application. 11059=Invited you to the stage. 11060=Please do not post abusive, pornographic, abusive content or any content that violates any rights or laws... 11061=Fan club 11062=The listener must implement an interface, not more or less. 11063=Description. 11064=The wind has stopped, the rain has cleared, do you feel like you can do it again? 11065=Noble 11066=Normal 11067=Agent management. 11068=Agent backend. 11069=Agent list. 11070=Agent. 11071=The other party is in a call. Please try again later. 11072=Backend management system. 11073=Coin 11074=Magic tickets. 11075=Room is closed. 11076=Operation successful! 11077=No gifts in the backpack. 11078=Fan club of. 11079=Host's fan club. 11080=Successfully joined the fan club of [ 11081=]. 11082=Saved successfully. 11083=User level. 11084=Video co-streaming. 11085=Prop gift pack. 11086=Welcome entry. 11087=Honor medal. 11088=Level mount. 11089=Gift effect. 11090=Front-row queue. 11091=Font color change. 11092=Experience acceleration. 11093=Knight medal. 11094=Warrior medal. 11095=Ranger medal. 11096=White horse medal. 11097=Jazz medal. 11098=Unlocked. 11099=Unlocked at level 10. 11100=Unlocked at level 50. 11101=Hero medal. 11102=Unlocked at level 100. 11103=Send gift. 11104=Watch livestream. 11105=Share livestream. 11106=Follow the host. 11107=Post a dynamic. 11108=Wealth level. 11109=Glorious medal. 11110=Tu hao entry. 11111=Tu hao mount. 11112=Recharge discount. 11113=Avatar frame. 11114=Landlord medal. 11115=Gentry medal. 11116=Tu hao medal. 11117=City lord medal. 11118=Unlocked at level 80. 11119=Empire medal. 11120=Unlocked at level 90. 11121=Revenue sharing ratio. 11122=Host nameplate. 11123=System recommendation. 11124=Reward activity. 11125=Receive gifts. 11126=Start livestream. 11127=Being followed. 11128=PK victory. 11129=Paid call. 11130=A little seahorse. 11131=Maybe coral. 11132=A unicorn lion. 11133=Looks a bit like a phoenix. 11134=100/month. 11135=19900/month. 11136=Golden noble. 11137=Knight noble. 11138=Knight privilege. 11139=Noble gift. 11140=Avatar border. 11141=Birthday sparkle. 11142=Recharge discount. 11143=Call discount. 11144=180 days. 11145=90 days. 11146=30 days. 11147=Bronze noble. 11148=Entry special effect. 11149=Noble barrage. 11150=Silver noble. 11151=Noble nameplate. 11152=Gift broadcast. 11153=Anti-kick and anti-mute. 11154=VIP seating. 11155=Supreme noble. 11156=Invisible privilege. 11157=Site-wide broadcast. 11158=Unlimited access to private images. 11159=Unrestricted access to ticketed rooms. 11160=All. 11161=Tipping earnings. 11162=Call earnings. 11163=Fan club earnings. 11164=Guardian earnings. 11165=Song request records. 11166=Send barrage. 11167=Livestream replay. 11168=Private view. 11169=Reward earnings. 11170=Contact information. 11171=Host's turntable. 11172=Room earnings. 11173=Paid private message. 11174=piece. 11175=] fan club. 11176=Joined [@ 11177=Successfully invited audience member to join the stage! 11178=Load successful. 11179=Locked mic successfully. 11180=Unlocked successfully. 11181=Invitation successful! 11182=Refused to go on stage! 11183=No longer on the stage. 11184=Successfully sent sticker pack. 11185=Check-in successful. 11186=Gift sent. 11187=View livestream room. 11188=Share livestream room. 11189=Paid video call count. 11190=Paid voice call count. 11191=Paid video call minutes. 11192=Paid voice call minutes. 11193=View. 11194=Like view. 11195=Share view. 11196=Follow user. 11197=Private message task. 11198=Publish view. 11199=Gifts sent count. 11200=Livestream duration. 11201=Livestream days. 11202=Accumulated earnings in magic tickets. 11203=Number of followers. 11204=Number of gift senders. 11205=Number of PK victories. 11206=Number of likes. 11207=Number of views. 11208=Number of shares. 11209=Publish private view. 11210=Number of purchases received. 11211=Number of gifts received. 11212=Recharge. 11213=Recommendation commission. 11214=Exchange. 11215=Game winnings. 11216=Tipping. 11217=Song request. 11218=Paid livestream replay. 11219=Guard 11220=Purchase noble. 11221=Purchase props. 11222=Game expenses. 11223=Red envelope. 11224=View contact information. 11225=Purchase SVIP. 11226=Room fee. 11227=Purchase VIP seating. 11228=Game lottery. 11229=Withdrawal. 11230=Seeking orders. 11231=Long video. 11232=Mystery box. 11233=Unknown message. 11234=Image. 11235=GIFT. 11236=Audio. 11238=Video. 11239=One-on-one voice. 11240=One-on-one video. 11241=Red envelope style 1. 11242=Text. 11243=Group prompt message. 11244=Shopping. 11245=Send red envelope. 11246=Receive red envelope. 11247=Join the Agency. 11248=Beg for reward. 11249=Voice message check response. 11250=Buyer places order. 11251=Buyer completes payment. 11252=Seller ships 11253=Buyer confirms receipt, transaction completed. 11254=Buyer cancels order. 11255=Buyer applies for a refund. 11256=Buyer ships. 11257=Seller agrees to refund request. 11258=Seller refuses refund. 11259=Seller confirms receipt, agrees to refund. 11260=Refunded, transaction closed. 11261=Refund in progress. 11262=Submit application. 11263=Waiting for seller's review. 11264=Seller receives goods. 11265=Refund successful. 11266=Seller's review passed. 11267=Seller's review failed. 11268=Seller refuses to receive goods. 11269=Gold recharge. 11270=Shopping payment. 11271=Purchase guardian. 11272=Payment parameter error. 11273=Recharge rule does not exist. 11274=Chinese yuan. 11275=Online recharge. 11276=Backstage recharge. 11277=Deduct. 11278=First recharge reward. 11279=Novice gift package. 11280=Purchase noble, receive gold coin earnings. 11281=Level gift package. 11282=Continuous login rewards. 11283=Recharge rewards. 11284=Commission exchange. 11285=Livestream room tipping. 11286=Short video tipping. 11287=Chat tipping. 11288=Call tipping. 11289=Profile tipping. 11290=Lucky gift. 11291=Long video tipping. 11292=Private video. 11293=Private image. 11294=Join fan club. 11295=Video call. 11296=Voice call. 11297=User-to-user call. 11298=Purchase mount. 11299=Purchase mic decoration. 11300=Purchase fancy number. 11301=Red envelope refund. 11302=View phone number. 11303=View WeChat ID. 11304=Paid room. 11305=Timed room. 11306=Treasure box lottery. 11307=Registration commission. 11308=Host certification commission. 11309=Check-in commission. 11310=Call commission. 11311=Earnings commission. 11312=Commission supplement. 11313=User recharge. 11314=Purchase noble commission. 11315=Purchase SVIP commission. 11316=Mystery box commission. 11317=User commission withdrawal. 11318=Agent commission withdrawal. 11319=Host earnings withdrawal. 11320=Guild commission withdrawal. 11321=Merchant earnings withdrawal. 11322=Seeking order. 11323=Order cancellation. 11324=Order refusal. 11325=Order completion. 11326=Purchase long video. 11327=Open mystery box. 11328=Store mystery box. 11329=Increase. 11330=Increase Chinese yuan. 11331=Decrease. 11332=Decrease Chinese yuan. 11333=Agent commission. 11334=Guild earnings. 11335=Talent agent earnings. 11336=User registration. 11337=Host certification. 11338=User recharge. 11339=Host earnings. 11340=Open noble. 11341=Android recharge commission. 11342=iOS recharge commission. 11343=Video group chat. 11344=Contact goddess. 11345=Private message privilege. 11346=Free call. 11347=Hide distance. 11348=Display video. 11349=Display voice. 11350=Display poster. 11351=Personal signature. 11352=Membership name. 11353=Membership balance. 11354=Host name. 11355=Guardian duration. 11356=Prize name. 11357=Noble level. 11358=Membership level. 11359=Host level. 11360=Withdrawal amount. 11361=Recharge time. 11362=Withdrawal time. 11363=Recharge amount. 11364=Withdrawal status. 11365=Recharge status. 11366=Certification status. 11367=Cover status. 11368=Report status. 11369=Profile review status. 11370=Profile review type. 11371=Note. 11372=Agency name. 11373=Agency review status. 11374=Agency dissolution review status. 11375=Join Agency review status. 11376=Agency level. 11377=Consumption currency. 11378=Earnings currency. 11379=Short video upload time. 11380=Dynamic upload time. 11381=Advisor certification status. 11382=User feedback. 11383=User feedback handling result. 11384=Level gift package content. 11385=Level gift package name. 11386=Recharge successful. 11387=Winning notification. 11388=Open guardian. 11389=Guardian expiration. 11390=Noble expiration. 11391=Level up. 11392=Host certification review. 11393=Live cover review. 11394=Report handling. 11395=Withdrawal notification. 11396=Host profile review. 11397=Seeking order notification. 11398=Create chat Agency. 11399=Chat Agency review. 11400=Disband chat Agency. 11401=Disband chat Agency review. 11402=Apply to join chat Agency. 11403=Join chat Agency review. 11404=Leave chat Agency. 11405=Agency upgrade. 11406=Short video content review. 11407=Dynamic content review. 11408=Image display. 11409=Seeking advisor certification. 11410=User feedback result handling. 11411=Report information added, please wait patiently for administrator's handling. 11412=Failed to obtain merchant center. 11413=Successfully obtained merchant center. 11414=Shop does not exist. 11415=Verification passed. 11416=Successfully obtained. 11417=Current game does not exist. 11418=Lottery successful. 11419=Successfully added. 11420=Parsing failed. 11421=Parsing successful. 11422=Publication successful. 11423=Your dynamic is under review, please wait patiently. 11424=Replacement successful. 11425=Operation completed. 11426=Your account has been canceled, only \u3010 11427=\u3011left to re-register. 11428=Registration successful. 11429=Comment successful 11430=Join Sitting 11431=Clearance successful 11432=Opened\u3010 11433=\u3011Aristocrats 11434 = Wealth level reached L 11435 = Can speak 11436 = User balance is lower than the required amount to send bullet screen: 11437 = Send bullet screen in [@ 11438 = ] live room 11439 = Sent successfully 11440 = Congratulations on leveling up to 11441 = Wealth level upgraded 11442 = Anchor level upgraded 11443 = Charm level upgraded 11444 = Backpack gift does not exist 11445 = Insufficient quantity of backpack gifts 11446 = User balance is lower than the value of the gift: 11447 = You are not a member of the fan group, cannot send fan group gifts 11448 = You are not a guardian, cannot send guardian gifts 11449 = Noble level is not enough, cannot send noble gifts 11450 = Gift type does not exist 11451 = Reward: [@ 11452 = Send to them 11453 = Live preview cannot exceed 11454 = Your small store is under review, please wait for approval 11455 = Application successful 11456 = Withdrawal successful 11457 = Your small store information is under review 11458 = Reward: Lucky gift [ 11459 = ], won: [ 11460 = The current gift is not a points gift 11461 = Insufficient points 11462 = [Decrease] giving gifts 11463 = [Increase] receiving gifts 11464 = Gift 11465 = Request reward from the other party 11466 = Request reward successful 11467 = Cancel successful 11468 = Collection successful 11469 = User added successfully 11470 = User information updated successfully 11471 = Deduct points successfully 11472 = Add points successfully 11473 = Call successful 11474 = Can check in 11475 = Kicked out successfully 11476 = Successfully obtained kick list 11477 = Lifted kick successfully 11478 = Muted successfully 11479 = Mute lifted successfully 11480 = Room mode has already been modified and cannot be modified again 11481 = Room mode not configured 11482 = Range is 11483 = Room mode modified 11484 = Room locked 11485 = Room unlocked 11486 = Exit successful 11487 = Logout successful! 11488 = Search successful 11489 = Application successful, pending review 11490 = Live room ID cannot be less than or equal to 0 11491 = Interest tags updated successfully 11492 = Verification successful 11493=Captcha. 11494 = Exit PK successful 11495 = Exit PK match successful! 11496 = Cannot send gifts to yourself 11497 = Missing ID of the gift recipient 11498 = Abnormal parameter type 11499 = This feature is not currently available 11500 = One-click gift all gifts can only be sent to one person 11501 = Pinning successful 11502 = Unpinning successful 11503 = Dressing up successful 11504 = Undo dressing up 11505 = Submission successful 11506 = Purchase successful 11507 = Like successful 11508 = Fill in the search box with something 11509 = Viewer's user ID is empty 11510 = Incorrect dynamic type 11511 = Passed content review 11512 = Already in a room PK, cannot match again 11513 = Previously matched user is no longer in the match 11514 = Initiate PK successful 11515 = Translation not enabled, displaying original text 11516 = Translation completed 11517 = Red packet sent successfully 11518 = [Off Broadcast Reminder: Due to violations, the room will be closed on 11519 = Close in seconds] 11520 = Unlock 11521 = Hot 11522 = Request sent for microphone 11523 = Microphone replaced 11524 = The broadcaster locked the microphone 11525 = Admin has disabled the microphone 11526 = Admin opened the microphone 11527= Send pinned message in chat room 11528=Check 11529=Private updates 11530=Manual recharge 11531=Backstage 11532=Brokerage 11533=To use a backpack gift: 11534=Register 11535=Certification 11536=Redemption successful 11537=Redemption completed 11538=Binding successful 11539=Certification passed 11540=Opened successfully 11541=Closed successfully 11542=Saved successfully, Next step 11543=Submission completed, Waiting for review 11544=Can be published 11545=Login successful 11546=Ordinary treasure chest, Number of draws: 11547=Lucky treasure chest, Number of draws: 11548=Buy 11549=Live broadcast room VIP seats 11550=Live broadcast room tickets 11551=Timed live broadcast room 11552=Receive 11553=Of gift pack 11554={}\u2019s gift pack has been collected 11555=Received successfully 11556=The gift package has expired or has been collected. 11557=The gift package expires and the remainder will be returned 11558=The gift package is returned to the user 11559=Continuous login: 11560=Dedicated account 11561=Mount 11562=Wheat position jewelry 11563=Buy short videos 11564=Buy pictures 11565=The quantity is 11566=Between 11567=Not enough views 11569=Invalid binding code 11570=Balance 11572=Balance withdrawal 11573=Add Balance #11568= #11569= #11570= #11571= #11572= #11573= #11574= #11575= #11576= #11577= #11578= #11579= #11580= #11581= #11582= #11583= #11584= #11585= #11586= #11587= #11588= #11589= #11590= #11591= #11592= #11593= #11594= #11595= #11596= #11597= #11598= #11599= #11600= #11601= #11602= #11603= #11604= #11605= #11606= #11607= #11608= #11609= #11610= #11611= #11612= #11613= #11614= #11615= #11616= #11617= #11618= #11619= #11620= #11621= #11622= #11623= #11624= #11625= #11626= #11627= #11628= #11629= #11630= #11631= #11632= #11633= #11634= #11635= #11636= #11637= #11638= #11639= #11640= #11641= #11642= #11643= #11644= #11645= #11646= #11647= #11648= #11649= #11650= #11651= #11652= #11653= #11654= #11655= #11656= #11657= #11658= #11659= #11660= #11661= #11662= #11663= #11664= #11665= #11666= #11667= #11668= #11669= #11670= #11671= #11672= #11673= #11674= #11675= #11676= #11677= #11678= #11679= #11680= #11681= #11682= #11683= #11684= #11685= #11686= #11687= #11688= #11689= #11690= #11691= #11692= #11693= #11694= #11695= #11696= #11697= #11698= #11699= #11700= #11701= #11702= #11703= #11704= #11705= #11706= #11707= #11708= #11709= #11710= #11711= #11712= #11713= #11714= #11715= #11716= #11717= #11718= #11719= #11720= #11721= #11722= #11723= #11724= #11725= #11726= #11727= #11728= #11729= #11730= #11731= #11732= #11733= #11734= #11735= #11736= #11737= #11738= #11739= #11740= #11741= #11742= #11743= #11744= #11745= #11746= #11747= #11748= #11749= #11750= #11751= #11752= #11753= #11754= #11755= #11756= #11757= #11758= #11759= #11760= #11761= #11762= #11763= #11764= #11765= #11766= #11767= #11768= #11769= #11770= #11771= #11772= #11773= #11774= #11775= #11776= #11777= #11778= #11779= #11780= #11781= #11782= #11783= #11784= #11785= #11786= #11787= #11788= #11789= #11790= #11791= #11792= #11793= #11794= #11795= #11796= #11797= #11798= #11799= #11800= #11801= #11802= #11803= #11804= #11805= #11806= #11807= #11808= #11809= #11810= #11811= #11812= #11813= #11814= #11815= #11816= #11817= #11818= #11819= #11820= #11821= #11822= #11823= #11824= #11825= #11826= #11827= #11828= #11829= #11830= #11831= #11832= #11833= #11834= #11835= #11836= #11837= #11838= #11839= #11840= #11841= #11842= #11843= #11844= #11845= #11846= #11847= #11848= #11849= #11850= #11851= #11852= #11853= #11854= #11855= #11856= #11857= #11858= #11859= #11860= #11861= #11862= #11863= #11864= #11865= #11866= #11867= #11868= #11869= #11870= #11871= #11872= #11873= #11874= #11875= #11876= #11877= #11878= #11879= #11880= #11881= #11882= #11883= #11884= #11885= #11886= #11887= #11888= #11889= #11890= #11891= #11892= #11893= #11894= #11895= #11896= #11897= #11898= #11899= #11900= #11901= #11902= #11903= #11904= #11905= #11906= #11907= #11908= #11909= #11910= #11911= #11912= #11913= #11914= #11915= #11916= #11917= #11918= #11919= #11920= #11921= #11922= #11923= #11924= #11925= #11926= #11927= #11928= #11929= #11930= #11931= #11932= #11933= #11934= #11935= #11936= #11937= #11938= #11939= #11940= #11941= #11942= #11943= #11944= #11945= #11946= #11947= #11948= #11949= #11950= #11951= #11952= #11953= #11954= #11955= #11956= #11957= #11958= #11959= #11960= #11961= #11962= #11963= #11964= #11965= #11966= #11967= #11968= #11969= #11970= #11971= #11972= #11973= #11974= #11975= #11976= #11977= #11978= #11979= #11980= #11981= #11982= #11983= #11984= #11985= #11986= #11987= #11988= #11989= #11990= #11991= #11992= #11993= #11994= #11995= #11996= #11997= #11998= #11999=