48 KB

  1. //\u82F1\u8BED\u8A00\u7FFB\u8BD1\u8BED\u8A00\u6587\u4EF6
  2. 10001=IM expired!
  3. 10002=Execution failed.
  4. 10003=You are not authorized.
  5. 10004=Unknown error.
  6. 10005=Token has expired.
  7. 10006=Invalid livestream type.
  8. 10007=Invalid room number.
  9. 10008=Guild ID cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  10. 10011=Upload failed.
  11. 10016=channelName is empty!
  12. 10017=Please provide your WeChat ID.
  13. 10018=You must save your information before opening a blind box.
  14. 10019=Insufficient balance, please recharge.
  15. 100191=The video does not exist or has been taken down.
  16. 10020=Insufficient inventory, please try again later.
  17. 10021=You must upload your real photo.
  18. 10022=Please put one of your blind boxes on sale before coming back.
  19. 10023=Please provide a Agency name.
  20. 10024=Please upload a Agency icon.
  21. 10025=Agency ID cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  22. 10026=Not yet available.
  23. 10027=Please provide a Agency description.
  24. 10028=Please provide a Agency announcement.
  25. 10029=Please provide a reason for dissolution.
  26. 10030=Please provide a reason for applying to join the Agency.
  27. 10031=User ID for review cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  28. 10032=Incorrect review status.
  29. 10033=User ID for kicking cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  30. 10034=Please select a report type.
  31. 10035=User ID cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  32. 10036=User ID being viewed cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  33. 10037=Invalid role setting.
  34. 10038=Please fill in the content for the pinned message.
  35. 10040=You have already created a Agency, you cannot create another one.
  36. 10041=You need to have certain qualifications to create a Agency.
  37. 10042=Only anchors can create a Agency.
  38. 10043=You have already joined one Agency, you cannot create another one.
  39. 10044=The Agency does not exist.
  40. 10045=The Agency has not been approved or has been disbanded.
  41. 10046=No permission.
  42. 10047=The Agency does not exist or has been disbanded.
  43. 10048=The Agency does not exist, incorrect information.
  44. 10049=The square does not allow disbandment.
  45. 10050=The administrator is handling it, no need to apply again.
  46. 10051=The Agency has been disbanded, no need to apply again.
  47. 10052=The Agency application has not been approved, and you want to apply for disbandment?
  48. 10053=The Agency application has not been approved, you cannot join temporarily.
  49. 10054=The Agency has been disbanded, please look for other families.
  50. 10055=Female users are currently not allowed to join a Agency!
  51. 10056=The Agency is full, please look for other families.
  52. 10057=You already have an Agency.
  53. 10058=Your account balance of {0} is insufficient, please recharge in time.
  54. 10059=You have already applied, please refresh.
  55. 10060=Your application has been approved, please refresh.
  56. 10061=The Agency does not exist or the Agency application has not been approved.
  57. 10062=You are not in this Agency.
  58. 10063=The maximum number of members in your Agency has been reached, please contact the administrator if needed.
  59. 10064=The user has already joined another Agency, please refresh the page.
  60. 10065=The user's remaining coins are not enough to send red envelopes to enter the group.
  61. 10066=The user has not applied to join your Agency, please refresh and check.
  62. 10067=The user has already joined an Agency.
  63. 10068=You have rejected the user's request to join your Agency.
  64. 10069=You cannot kick yourself out of the Agency.
  65. 10072=As the leader, you cannot leave the Agency.
  66. 10073=You are not in this Agency, the Agency may have been disbanded.
  67. 10074=The Agency does not exist or has been disbanded.
  68. 10075=You can only report an Agency three times a day.
  69. 10076=The Agency has been disbanded or the application has not been approved.
  70. 10077=You are not in this Agency.
  71. 10078=You cannot mute yourself.
  72. 10079=You cannot mute the leader.
  73. 10080=You cannot perform this operation because the other person's title is higher or the same as yours.
  74. 10081=The user has been muted, remaining time: {0}.
  75. 10082=You and the other person are not in the same Agency or one of you has left the Agency.
  76. 10083=This operation is not allowed in the square.
  77. 10084=The position has reached its limit.
  78. 10085=You have been muted.
  79. 10086=Sender user does not exist.
  80. 10087=Receiver user does not exist.
  81. 10089=Female users have not completed real-person authentication, please try again after authentication.
  82. 10090=Anchors cannot chat with anchors (\u2299o\u2299)Oh!
  83. 10091=Anchors cannot chat with users (\u2299o\u2299)Oh!
  84. 10092=Males cannot chat with males (\u2299o\u2299)Oh!
  85. 10093=Females cannot chat with females (\u2299o\u2299)Oh!
  86. 10094=You have been blocked!!
  87. 10095=Only nobles can send messages.
  88. 10096=Please activate SVIP.
  89. 10100=Guests cannot use this feature.
  90. 10101=Params parameter cannot be empty.
  91. 10102=Cloud storage is either overdue or disabled.
  92. 10103=Invalid scene parameter.
  93. 10104=Dynamic ID cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  94. 10105=Invalid dynamic query type.
  95. 10106=objId cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  96. 10107=Comment content cannot be empty.
  97. 10108=Comment ID cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  98. 10110=Reported dynamic ID cannot be less than 0.
  99. 10111=Report type name cannot be empty.
  100. 10112=Invalid operation type.
  101. 10115=Males cannot post dynamics.
  102. 10116=Females cannot post dynamics.
  103. 10117=User does not exist!
  104. 10121=Please upload video resources!
  105. 10122=Please upload image resources!
  106. 10123=Unknown dynamic type.
  107. 10126=Comment content has been blocked.
  108. 10128=No permission to delete.
  109. 10129=Does not exist or has been deleted.
  110. 10130=No copyright.
  111. 10131=Please authenticate first.
  112. 10133=Content cannot contain blocked words!
  113. 10134=You have enabled youth mode.
  114. 10135=Please set {0} to view private dynamics.
  115. 10136=You have enabled youth mode and cannot use this feature!
  116. 10137=Video not found.
  117. 10138=Dynamic not found, may have been deleted.
  118. 10139=The dynamic has been pinned, please refresh and try again.
  119. 10140=The dynamic has been unpinned, please refresh and try again.
  120. 10141=You can only pin up to {0} dynamics.
  121. 10143=Failed to retrieve earnings information! Withdrawal rules are not configured!
  122. 10144=Please select an exchange rule!
  123. 10145=Insufficient commission.
  124. 10146=Name cannot be empty.
  125. 10147=Account cannot be empty.
  126. 10148=Branch name cannot be empty.
  127. 10149=Bank name cannot be empty.
  128. 10150=The account does not exist!
  129. 10151=No permission to delete the account.
  130. 10152=Deletion failed!
  131. 10153=Please enter the withdrawal amount.
  132. 10154=Phone number cannot be empty.
  133. 10155=Invalid phone number format.
  134. 10156=Please enter the correct verification code.
  135. 10157=The user does not exist.
  136. 10158=No such user.
  137. 10159=User does not exist.
  138. 10161=Please select an ID.
  139. 10162=Withdrawal type not specified.
  140. 10163=Withdrawal user not specified.
  141. 10164=User information not found.
  142. 10165=Insufficient remaining {0}.
  143. 10166=Guild does not exist!
  144. 10167=Account does not exist.
  145. 10168=No permission to perform the operation.
  146. 10169=Please authenticate first.
  147. 10170=Your withdrawal is pending review. Please try again later.
  148. 10171=Insufficient {0} for withdrawal. Please refresh and try again.
  149. 10172=Insufficient commission for withdrawal. Please refresh and try again.
  150. 10173=Please select a withdrawal account.
  151. 10174=Insufficient account balance.
  152. 10175=Merchant information is abnormal.
  153. 10176=Withdrawal amount cannot be less than {0}.
  154. 10177=Withdrawal amount cannot exceed {0}.
  155. 10178=Maximum number of withdrawals reached for today.
  156. 10179=Maximum number of withdrawals reached for this month.
  157. 10182=Order does not exist.
  158. 10183=Package has been canceled and cannot be purchased.
  159. 10184=Cannot purchase a package lower than the current level.
  160. 10186=Payment parameters not found.
  161. 10188=Payment channel not found.
  162. 10189=Failed to retrieve payment parameters.
  163. 10190=Apple verification failed, empty response data.
  164. 10191=Current transaction is not in the transaction list.
  165. 10193=Do not submit the application repeatedly!
  166. 10194=You are currently applying to join another guild.
  167. 10195=You are already a member of this guild!
  168. 10196=You are already a member of another guild.
  169. 10197=Please fill in your talent!
  170. 10198=Please fill in your daily live-streaming time!
  171. 10199=Please fill in your daily closing time!
  172. 10200=Please fill in your expected earnings!
  173. 10201=Certificate file information should not exceed 5 files!
  174. 10202=Only anchors can join guilds.
  175. 10203=Application record not found.
  176. 10204=No permission to perform the operation!
  177. 10205=Please provide a reason for rejection!
  178. 10206=Review failed.
  179. 10207=You do not belong to this guild!
  180. 10208=Your guild account still has a balance, please withdraw first!
  181. 10209=You currently have a pending withdrawal, cannot apply to leave the guild.
  182. 10210=Please provide a reason for leaving!
  183. 10211=Failed to apply for leaving the guild!
  184. 10212=Exit application record not found.
  185. 10214=Failed to create dating user.
  186. 10215=Failed to update user information.
  187. 10216=User information not found.
  188. 10217=Insufficient points balance.
  189. 10218=Failed to make the call.
  190. 10219=Function not available yet.
  191. 10220=Maximum sign-in limit reached for today. Come back tomorrow.
  192. 10221=Next sign-in available in {0}.
  193. 10222=Please enter a valid date.
  194. 10223=Failed to retrieve.
  195. 10224=Cannot draw a lucky treasure box at the current time.
  196. 10228=Cannot beg for rewards from yourself.
  197. 10229=Begging gift ID cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  198. 10230=Room number cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  199. 10231=Insufficient balance, please recharge.
  200. 10232=Operation failed!
  201. 10233=VIP number does not exist!
  202. 10234=VIP number has been sold!
  203. 10235=Purchase failed!
  204. 10236=Dress-up failed!
  205. 10237=Submission failed!
  206. 10238=Gift not found.
  207. 10239=This gift cannot be begged for.
  208. 10240=Invalid type.
  209. 10241=Task does not exist.
  210. 10242=Failed to retrieve privilege information.
  211. 10243=Privilege not found.
  212. 10244=Cannot become your own guardian.
  213. 10245=Please enter a title.
  214. 10246=Title should be within 8 characters.
  215. 10247=There has been a change in status. Please refresh the page before proceeding.
  216. 10248=Room password must be a 6-digit number.
  217. 10251=You do not have permission to close this live-streaming room.
  218. 10252=You need to stream for at least {0} minutes.
  219. 10253=Live-streaming has been closed.
  220. 10254=This room is locked. Check out other rooms.
  221. 10255=You have been kicked out of the room. Remaining time: {0} seconds.
  222. 10256=Incorrect password.
  223. 10260=Live-streaming room does not exist. Please contact the administrator.
  224. 10261=Setting failed.
  225. 10267=Announcement content cannot contain blocked words.
  226. 10268=Modification failed.
  227. 10269=There are no viewers in the current live-streaming room.
  228. 10271=Invalid room type.
  229. 10273=Room title cannot be empty.
  230. 10274=Invalid room lock status.
  231. 10275=Cannot leave the room during a PK.
  232. 10276=Function under development.
  233. 10277=Room number is empty.
  234. 10278=Template ID is empty.
  235. 10282=This live-streaming room does not exist or has ended.
  236. 10283=No permission to perform the operation.
  237. 10284=Administrator limit reached.
  238. 10285=Already added.
  239. 10286=Failed to add.
  240. 10287=This user is not your administrator.
  241. 10288=They are currently hosting and cannot be removed as an administrator.
  242. 10289=Removal failed.
  243. 10290=This person is a noble and cannot be kicked out of the room.
  244. 10291=The operator is not in the room.
  245. 10292=No permission to perform the operation.
  246. 10293=Cannot kick someone from a timed room.
  247. 10294=Cannot kick a host from the microphone.
  248. 10295=This person is a noble and cannot be muted.
  249. 10296=You have already purchased a VIP seat for this room.
  250. 10297=Cannot modify room mode in the current state.
  251. 10298=Cannot change to the same room mode.
  252. 10299=Room type has already been modified once and cannot be modified again.
  253. 10303=Title contains illegal characters.
  254. 10304=Live-streaming room has been closed.
  255. 10305=Incorrect gift quantity.
  256. 10306=Upload failed, user does not exist.
  257. 10307=Incorrect user ID.
  258. 10308=Room red envelope: No room number specified.
  259. 10309=Designated red envelope: No user ID specified.
  260. 10310=Red envelope quantity should be between 1 and 100.
  261. 10312=Not available yet, please stay tuned.
  262. 10313=Red envelope ID cannot be less than 0.
  263. 10314=Operation failed, state does not exist.
  264. 10315=Operation failed, ID does not exist.
  265. 10316=Operation failed!
  266. 10317=User has not set contact information.
  267. 10318=User is not in the room.
  268. 10319=Sender's contact information not found.
  269. 10320=Failed to add, this music
  270. 10321=You have been blocked by the other party!
  271. 10322=Live-streaming has ended.
  272. 10324=Red envelope is missing.
  273. 10325=Red envelope has expired.
  274. 10326=Red envelope does not exist.
  275. 10329=The message you sent contains blocked words.
  276. 10332=Operation failed.
  277. 10333=Related activity not found.
  278. 10334=Failed to modify authentication information.
  279. 10335=Username contains blocked words.
  280. 10336=Signature contains blocked words.
  281. 10337=Real name cannot be empty!
  282. 10338=Mobile number cannot be empty!
  283. 10339=WeChat account cannot be empty!
  284. 10340=ID card number cannot be empty!
  285. 10341=Invalid phone number format.
  286. 10342=Mobile number is already in use!
  287. 10343=ID card front photo cannot be empty!
  288. 10344=ID card back photo cannot be empty!
  289. 10345=Hand-held photo cannot be empty!
  290. 10346=Please complete user information first.
  291. 10347=Uploaded video cannot be empty!
  292. 10348=Please complete the previous step first.
  293. 10349=Not authenticated.
  294. 10350=Awaiting review.
  295. 10351=The joining amount cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  296. 10352=Fan club name cannot be empty.
  297. 10353=Cannot be less than the minimum joining price.
  298. 10354=Anchor ID cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  299. 10355=The anchor does not need to join the fan club.
  300. 10358=This account is abnormal and cannot make purchases.
  301. 10361=User does not exist, may have been deactivated.
  302. 10362=Cannot follow yourself!
  303. 10363=The user ID being followed cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  304. 10364=Incorrect password!
  305. 10365=Verification code does not exist or has expired.
  306. 10366=Incorrect type parameter.
  307. 10367=You already have a voice and cannot publish again.
  308. 10368=Value cannot be empty.
  309. 10369=Value cannot be empty.
  310. 10370=Please enter a new password.
  311. 10371=Please enter the new password again.
  312. 10372=The passwords entered do not match.
  313. 10373=Incorrect version parameter.
  314. 10375=Registration ID is empty, no update.
  315. 10376=You cannot set a nickname for yourself.
  316. 10377=The nickname can have a maximum of 15 characters.
  317. 10378=Incorrect data type.
  318. 10379=Avatar ID cannot be empty.
  319. 10380=Data content cannot be empty.
  320. 10381=Data ID cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  321. 10382=Only Miss Certification is supported.
  322. 10383=You are already an anchor. It may be due to network issues that caused data inconsistency. You can try changing the network or closing the app and reopening it.
  323. 10384=Only females can be certified.
  324. 10385=Failed to apply for certification:
  325. 10391=You are already a member of the fan club.
  326. 10392=Package does not exist.
  327. 10393=The selected package cannot be lower than the user's current package.
  328. 10394=Invalid noble parameter.
  329. 10396=Username is empty or contains blocked words.
  330. 10397=Signature is under review, please wait patiently.
  331. 10398=User information not found.
  332. 10399=Guest account cannot be deactivated!
  333. 10400=Please enter an invitation code.
  334. 10401=Incorrect invitation code.
  335. 10402=Do not bind the invitation code repeatedly.
  336. 10403=Inviter does not exist.
  337. 10404=Cannot bind yourself.
  338. 10405=Failed to bind - circular binding.
  339. 10406=Failed to bind:
  340. 10407=Failed to bind.
  341. 10408=Sign-in function is not available yet.
  342. 10409=You have already signed in today.
  343. 10410=Data type and data content do not match.
  344. 10411=You can upload a maximum of 8 images.
  345. 10412=Image not found.
  346. 10413=The image cannot be deleted, only replaced.
  347. 10414=The image is under review and cannot be deleted.
  348. 10415=The image does not belong to you, cannot be deleted.
  349. 10424=Image URL not uploaded.
  350. 10426=Request failed.
  351. 10427=Please provide a user ID.
  352. 10428=No valid characters detected.
  353. 10429=Pornography detection configuration not found.
  354. 104301=Content violation, provide a warning
  355. 104302=Content violation, close the live stream
  356. 104303=Content contains violations, not approved
  357. 104304=Your behavior is suspected of violating the rules. Please regulate your behavior. The video will automatically resume after {0} seconds.
  358. 10431=Insufficient translation count. You can become a noble member to enjoy unlimited translation.
  359. 10432=Live stream date cannot be empty.
  360. 10433=Live stream start time cannot be empty.
  361. 10435=Poster sticker cannot be empty.
  362. 10436=Title cannot be empty.
  363. 10437=Start time must be later than the current time.
  364. 10438=Announcement ID cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  365. 10439=Merchant logo cannot be empty.
  366. 10440=Merchant name cannot be empty.
  367. 10441=Incorrect phone number format!
  368. 10442=Anchor ID cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  369. 10443=Recipient's name cannot be empty.
  370. 10444=Recipient's phone number cannot be empty.
  371. 10445=Province cannot be empty.
  372. 10446=City cannot be empty.
  373. 10447=District cannot be empty.
  374. 10448=Detailed address cannot be empty.
  375. 10449=Shipping address ID cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  376. 10450=Shopping cart ID cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  377. 10451=Deletion failed.
  378. 10452=Shipping address cannot be empty.
  379. 10453=Product exception.
  380. 10454=Channel ID cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  381. 10455=Product name cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  382. 10456=Category ID cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  383. 10457=Product brief image cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  384. 10458=Product ID cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  385. 10459=Product status cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  386. 10460=Serial number cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  387. 10461=Operation type can only be 1 or 2.
  388. 10462=Please add the product to the live stream list before setting.
  389. 10463=Please provide a reason for refusal.
  390. 10464=Merchant does not exist.
  391. 10465=Merchant status cannot be empty.
  392. 10466=The number of live stream announcements for the day cannot exceed {0}.
  393. 10467=You already have a small store. Please do not submit the application repeatedly!
  394. 10468=Merchant information not found.
  395. 10469=Merchant information not found.
  396. 10470=Failed to obtain live stream information.
  397. 10471=Merchant does not exist. Please contact the administrator.
  398. 10472=Merchant information under freeze cannot be modified.
  399. 10473=Your small store information is under review. After approval, you can modify it again.
  400. 10474=Insufficient stock.
  401. 10475=Shopping cart does not exist.
  402. 10476=Product does not exist.
  403. 10478=Merchant information error. Please contact the administrator.
  404. 10479=Creation failed.
  405. 10480=The product you are trying to operate does not exist. Please contact the administrator.
  406. 10481=The product you are trying to delete does not exist. Please contact the administrator.
  407. 10482=Order information error. Please contact the administrator.
  408. 10483=This order cannot be refunded.
  409. 10484=This order is already in the process of refund. You cannot cancel the refund request. Please contact the seller.
  410. 10485=Incorrect order status. Unable to proceed with the operation.
  411. 10489=Insufficient balance.
  412. 10491=You have enabled youth mode and cannot send gifts.
  413. 10492=Video commenting is currently not available on the platform.
  414. 10493=Incorrect category ID provided.
  415. 10494=Short video ID cannot be less than 0.
  416. 10495=Reported short video ID cannot be less than 0.
  417. 10497=TV show ID cannot be less than 0.
  418. 10498=TV show episode ID cannot be less than 0.
  419. 10499=Viewing duration cannot be less than 0.
  420. 10500=Please provide a comment.
  421. 10504=Video source not found.
  422. 10505=Video not found.
  423. 10506=You have already purchased this video. Try refreshing the page.
  424. 10507=This video does not require a purchase! Refresh the page.
  425. 10508=You need to log in to watch this video.
  426. 10509=You are a noble member and do not need to purchase! Refresh the page.
  427. 10510=Only noble members can watch this video.
  428. 10511=The video may have been taken down.
  429. 10512=User is disabled!
  430. 10513=Correct password.
  431. 10514=User exception!
  432. 10517=Identifier cannot be empty.
  433. 10518=Key verification failed!
  434. 10519=Please enter a phone number.
  435. 10520=Verification code cannot be empty.
  436. 10521=Nickname cannot be empty.
  437. 10524=Reported user ID cannot be less than 0.
  438. 10525=Notification sound switch setting error:
  439. 10526=Not the current user!
  440. 10527=Password cannot be empty.
  441. 10528=Passwords do not match.
  442. 10529=Please log in again.
  443. 10530=Disabled user ID cannot be empty.
  444. 10531=Please select at least one disable time.
  445. 10532=Please enter a positive integer.
  446. 10533=Disable reason cannot be empty.
  447. 10534=Cannot disable guest users.
  448. 10535=The anchor still has withdrawal balance. Please close the [Cancellation Switch].
  449. 10536=Invalid operation.
  450. 10537=User ID cannot be empty or less than 0.
  451. 10538=Incorrect superior type.
  452. 10539=Bound superior ID cannot be empty or less than 0.
  453. 10540=Configuration not found. Please exit the page and re-enter.
  454. 10542=Phone number cannot be empty!
  455. 10543=Please enter a password!
  456. 10544=This phone number has already been registered!
  457. 10545=The current account has been canceled. {0} days remaining until re-registration.
  458. 10546=Method call error.
  459. 10547=One-click login token is empty!
  460. 10548=One-click login is not supported on this device.
  461. 10549=OpenID cannot be empty.
  462. 10550=Login method is not available.
  463. 10551=This feature is not yet available.
  464. 10553=Invalid login type.
  465. 105551=Login prohibited.
  466. 105552=Live broadcasting/calling prohibited.
  467. 105553=Dynamic posting prohibited.
  468. 105554=Comment/reply prohibited.
  469. 105555=Speaking in live room prohibited.
  470. 10556=Phone number already exists.
  471. 10557=Phone number does not exist.
  472. 10558=This interface has been disabled!
  473. 10559=Daily sending limit exceeded!
  474. 10560=Daily sending limit for phone number exceeded!
  475. 10561=Please try again later.
  476. 10562=Sending failed.
  477. 10563=Phone number is not registered.
  478. 10565=Phone number is already registered.
  479. 10568=User does not exist or has been canceled.
  480. 10569=The user has multiple superiors simultaneously, data is incorrect.
  481. 10570=The user you entered does not exist, please verify and enter again.
  482. 10571=The user has no superior, cannot unbind.
  483. 10572=The user does not have {0}, cannot unbind.
  484. 10573=The user already has a superior, please unbind first.
  485. 10574=The superior user you entered does not exist, please verify and enter again.
  486. 10575=The {0} you entered does not exist, please verify and enter again.
  487. 10576=This ID is not {0}!
  488. 10577=Background image does not exist, please contact the administrator.
  489. 10578=No permission!
  490. 10579=Room number cannot be empty.
  491. 10580=User ID for applying for host position cannot be empty.
  492. 10581=Status has changed, please refresh and try again.
  493. 10582=Operation successful.
  494. 10583=Currently live, cannot start again.
  495. 10585=You are not in the room.
  496. 10586=You do not have permission to modify.
  497. 10587=User is not in the room.
  498. 10588=Currently on the host position, please step down first.
  499. 10589=Room and anchor ID do not match.
  500. 10590=You have already applied, please try again in 1 minute!
  501. 10591=No permission.
  502. 10592=User is currently on the host position, cannot be brought up to the stage.
  503. 10593=Rejected the invitation to go on stage.
  504. 10594=Stage is full.
  505. 105951=Stage does not exist.
  506. 105952=Stage has been blocked.
  507. 105953=Stage is occupied.
  508. 105954=Cannot go on the anchor's stage.
  509. 10596=Already on stage or stage is occupied.
  510. 105961=Successfully went on stage.
  511. 10597=Not in the room.
  512. 10598=You are not in the list of applying for the stage!
  513. 10599=Already stepped down, stop clicking!
  514. 10601=The user being kicked is not in the room.
  515. 10602=The user is on the host position, cannot make them step down.
  516. 10603=Only anchors and administrators can kick people!
  517. 10604=User is not on the stage.
  518. 106051=Inconsistent stage information with the frontend.
  519. 106052=Corresponding co-host is not on this stage.
  520. 10606=Cannot mute yourself!
  521. 10607=You are not in the room!
  522. 10608=You do not have permission.
  523. 10609=The other person is not in the room!
  524. 10610=The user is on the host position, cannot mute them.
  525. 10611=No user on the stage.
  526. 10612=Cannot operate when not in the room.
  527. 10613=No operational permission.
  528. 10615=Stage is occupied, cannot operate.
  529. 10616=Duplicate operation.
  530. 10617=Cannot invite yourself.
  531. 10618=The user is already on the stage.
  532. 10619=User is currently on the host position, cannot go on a regular stage.
  533. 10620=This function only supports inviting anchors.
  534. 10621=The other person is offline.
  535. 10622=The other person has enabled do
  536. 10623=The other person is busy.
  537. 106241=The user has enabled Do Not Disturb mode, please try again later.
  538. 106242=The online status value set by the other person is inconsistent.
  539. 10625=Already invited, please try again in 1 minute!
  540. 10626=No available stage at the moment.
  541. 10627=The user you invited has been kicked out of the room. Remaining time: {0} seconds.
  542. 10628=Invited user is not in the room.
  543. 10629=You have already invited this user, try again later.
  544. 10630=Cannot bring yourself on stage.
  545. 10631=Already on stage.
  546. 10632=The invited user does not exist.
  547. 10633=Cannot invite users outside the live room.
  548. 10634=No available user stages.
  549. 10635=Failed to bring audience member on stage in the room!
  550. 10636=You are currently on the host position and cannot go on a regular stage.
  551. 10638=Stage is full!
  552. 10639=Never entered the room.
  553. 10640=Emoticon does not exist!
  554. 10641=Inconsistent room owner ID!
  555. 10642=No permission to initiate PK.
  556. 106431=Matching in progress.
  557. 106432=Already in a PK!
  558. 10644=Insufficient number of participants for intense team battle.
  559. 10645=You are not an administrator or room owner, cannot go on the host position.
  560. 10646=You are already a host.
  561. 10647=You are currently on a regular stage, please step down and then go on the host position.
  562. 10648=Cannot go on the host position during PK.
  563. 10649=You are not in the room.
  564. 10650=You are not the host, no permission.
  565. 10651=You are not an administrator or room owner, cannot operate the down host position.
  566. 10652=You are not on the host position.
  567. 10653=Cannot leave the host position during PK.
  568. 10654=Report type ID cannot be less than or equal to 0.
  569. 10655=You're here~~
  570. 10666=Posted the 1st dynamic.
  571. 10667=Said hello to TA for the first time.
  572. 10668=Reached 100\u2103 intimacy level with TA in chat.
  573. 10669=First time guarding TA.
  574. 10770=Posted the 1st short video.
  575. 10771=Started the 1st video livestream.
  576. 10772=Started the 1st voice livestream.
  577. 10773=First time having a voice call with TA.
  578. 10774=First time having a video call with TA.
  579. 10775=First time becoming a certified host.
  580. 10776=First time posting a private dynamic.
  581. 10777=First time being guarded.
  582. 10778=First withdrawal.
  583. 10779=Embarking on a new world of livestreaming~
  584. 10880=Wow~ Livestreaming can actually make money, needle-precise~
  585. 10881=Redundant dynamic.
  586. 10882==> Welcome.
  587. 10883=Joined the livestream room.
  588. 10884=Agency report processed, Agency report ID:
  589. 10885=Dynamic report processed, dynamic report ID:
  590. 10886=Successful withdrawal operation ID:
  591. 10887=Dynamic review result:
  592. 10889=Host
  593. 10890=
  594. 10891=Livestream started.
  595. 10892=Livestream closed.
  596. 10893=Entered the livestream room.
  597. 10894=TA came to see [@].
  598. 10895=Fan club member enters.
  599. 10896=Left the livestream room.
  600. 10897=Initiated a co-streaming request.
  601. 10898=Browsing [@]'s profile.
  602. 10899=Failed task:
  603. 10900=Task completed!
  604. 10901=Task in progress:
  605. 10902=Exceeded 20 queries here!
  606. 10903=Query here more than 20 times!
  607. 10904=Insufficient funds!
  608. 10905=Sunday
  609. 10906=Monday
  610. 10907=Tuesday
  611. 10908=Wednesday
  612. 10909=Thursday
  613. 10910=Friday
  614. 10911=Saturday
  615. 10912=You are currently in a call with a host, connecting will deduct your
  616. 10913=Oh~
  617. 10914=He has enabled paid video calls.
  618. 10915=He has enabled paid voice calls.
  619. 10916=Only nobles can enter this room.
  620. 10917=Please enter the room password.
  621. 10918=This is a time-based charging room.
  622. 10919=This is a paid room.
  623. 10920=I rewarded your video [@].
  624. 10921=This room is time-based, you need to pay ${code} per minute.
  625. 10922=This is a password-protected room, please enter the password.
  626. 10923=This is a ticketed room, please pay ${code}.
  627. 10924=Choose your chat style and find a soulmate.
  628. 10925=Host
  629. 10926=TA has hidden their location.
  630. 10927=Created a fan club group chat successfully.
  631. 10928=Hello everyone.
  632. 10929=Call duration: %s minutes, consumed: %s.
  633. 10930=TA is online.
  634. 10931=The person you follow, @%s, is online. Go play with them.
  635. 10932=Live now!
  636. 10933=The person you follow, @%s, is livestreaming. Come and watch.
  637. 10934=Incoming call reminder
  638. 10935=%s sent you 1 call, click to answer.
  639. 10936=Call reminder
  640. 10937=%s has canceled the call.
  641. 10938=Call has timed out.
  642. 10939=New dynamic!
  643. 10940=The person you follow, @%s, has posted a new work: %s.
  644. 10941=New comment received
  645. 10942=Received 1 comment from @%s.
  646. 10943=New work!
  647. 10944=Sent 1 image, click to view.
  648. 10945=Sent 1 voice message, click to listen.
  649. 10946=Sent you 1 gift, click to view.
  650. 10947=New appointment order.
  651. 10948=New appointment order received, click to view.
  652. 10949=Offline.
  653. 10950=Busy.
  654. 10951=Online.
  655. 10952=In a call.
  656. 10953=Watching a livestream.
  657. 10954=Matching.
  658. 10955=Live-streaming.
  659. 10956=Leaving.
  660. 10957=No livestream in progress.
  661. 10959=Invite others for a call.
  662. 10960=Being invited.
  663. 10962=Host of the livestream.
  664. 10963=Livestream viewer.
  665. 10964=Page error:
  666. 10965=Token expired.
  667. 10966=Financial-related message.
  668. 10967=Invalid verification code.
  669. 10968=Invalid username.
  670. 10969=Your account has been disabled. Please contact the platform administrator.
  671. 10970=Login failed!
  672. 10971=Milliseconds.
  673. 10972=Days.
  674. 10973=Hours.
  675. 10974=Minutes.
  676. 10975=Seconds.
  677. 10976=Just now.
  678. 10977=Days ago.
  679. 10978=Hours ago.
  680. 10979=Minutes ago.
  681. 10980=Seconds ago.
  682. 10981=Year.
  683. 10982=Month.
  684. 10983=Day.
  685. 10984=Not a valid ID card number, please check.
  686. 10985=Invalid ID card number, please check.
  687. 10986=Unknown.
  688. 10987=Male.
  689. 10988=Female.
  690. 10989=Image path is empty.
  691. 10990=Months ago.
  692. 10991=Years ago.
  693. 10992=Time error.
  694. 10993=Yesterday.
  695. 10994=Zodiac sign:
  696. 10995=Chinese zodiac:
  697. 10996=Monkey.
  698. 10997=Rooster.
  699. 10998=Dog.
  700. 10999=Pig.
  701. 11000=Rat.
  702. 11001=Ox.
  703. 11002=Tiger.
  704. 11003=Rabbit.
  705. 11004=Dragon.
  706. 11005=Snake.
  707. 11006=Horse.
  708. 11007=Sheep.
  709. 11008=Aquarius.
  710. 11009=Pisces.
  711. 11010=Aries.
  712. 11011=Taurus.
  713. 11012=Gemini.
  714. 11013=Cancer.
  715. 11014=Leo.
  716. 11015=Virgo.
  717. 11016=Libra.
  718. 11017=Scorpio.
  719. 11018=Sagittarius.
  720. 11019=Capricorn.
  721. 11020=Response status:
  722. 11021=Success.
  723. 11022=Query successful.
  724. 11023=Not applied for host certification.
  725. 11024=Modification successful.
  726. 11025=Data filling in progress.
  727. 11026=Host certification under review.
  728. 11027=Unbound due to superior's cancellation.
  729. 11028=User account canceled, user ID: {}
  730. 11029=Request successful!
  731. 11030=APP invitation code binding, invitation code:
  732. 11031=Agent deduction-APP invitation code binding, invitation code:
  733. 11032=Check-in reward.
  734. 11033=Check-in.
  735. 11034=No audit enabled, passed directly.
  736. 11035=Deletion successful.
  737. 11036=System.
  738. 11037=Modified by the backend, passed directly.
  739. 11038=Request exception.
  740. 11039=Test task started.
  741. 11040=Initiated interaction request.
  742. 11041=Initiated PK request.
  743. 11042=Co-streaming closed.
  744. 11043=PK victory.
  745. 11044=User initiated co-streaming request.
  746. 11045=Set as administrator.
  747. 11046=Administrator role removed.
  748. 11047=Muted.
  749. 11048=Unmounted.
  750. 11049=Kicked out of the room.
  751. 11050=I illuminated it.
  752. 11051=Exiting room due to insufficient balance in timed room.
  753. 11052=Gifted.
  754. 11053=Purchased guardian.
  755. 11054=Followed the host.
  756. 11055=Host is back.
  757. 11056=Host left.
  758. 11057=Matching you with a PK host.
  759. 11058=Initiated host application.
  760. 11059=Invited you to the stage.
  761. 11060=Please do not post abusive, pornographic, abusive content or any content that violates any rights or laws...
  762. 11061=Fan club
  763. 11062=The listener must implement an interface, not more or less.
  764. 11063=Description.
  765. 11064=The wind has stopped, the rain has cleared, do you feel like you can do it again?
  766. 11065=Noble
  767. 11066=Normal
  768. 11067=Agent management.
  769. 11068=Agent backend.
  770. 11069=Agent list.
  771. 11070=Agent.
  772. 11071=The other party is in a call. Please try again later.
  773. 11072=Backend management system.
  774. 11073=Coin
  775. 11074=Magic tickets.
  776. 11075=Room is closed.
  777. 11076=Operation successful!
  778. 11077=No gifts in the backpack.
  779. 11078=Fan club of.
  780. 11079=Host's fan club.
  781. 11080=Successfully joined the fan club of [
  782. 11081=].
  783. 11082=Saved successfully.
  784. 11083=User level.
  785. 11084=Video co-streaming.
  786. 11085=Prop gift pack.
  787. 11086=Welcome entry.
  788. 11087=Honor medal.
  789. 11088=Level mount.
  790. 11089=Gift effect.
  791. 11090=Front-row queue.
  792. 11091=Font color change.
  793. 11092=Experience acceleration.
  794. 11093=Knight medal.
  795. 11094=Warrior medal.
  796. 11095=Ranger medal.
  797. 11096=White horse medal.
  798. 11097=Jazz medal.
  799. 11098=Unlocked.
  800. 11099=Unlocked at level 10.
  801. 11100=Unlocked at level 50.
  802. 11101=Hero medal.
  803. 11102=Unlocked at level 100.
  804. 11103=Send gift.
  805. 11104=Watch livestream.
  806. 11105=Share livestream.
  807. 11106=Follow the host.
  808. 11107=Post a dynamic.
  809. 11108=Wealth level.
  810. 11109=Glorious medal.
  811. 11110=Tu hao entry.
  812. 11111=Tu hao mount.
  813. 11112=Recharge discount.
  814. 11113=Avatar frame.
  815. 11114=Landlord medal.
  816. 11115=Gentry medal.
  817. 11116=Tu hao medal.
  818. 11117=City lord medal.
  819. 11118=Unlocked at level 80.
  820. 11119=Empire medal.
  821. 11120=Unlocked at level 90.
  822. 11121=Revenue sharing ratio.
  823. 11122=Host nameplate.
  824. 11123=System recommendation.
  825. 11124=Reward activity.
  826. 11125=Receive gifts.
  827. 11126=Start livestream.
  828. 11127=Being followed.
  829. 11128=PK victory.
  830. 11129=Paid call.
  831. 11130=A little seahorse.
  832. 11131=Maybe coral.
  833. 11132=A unicorn lion.
  834. 11133=Looks a bit like a phoenix.
  835. 11134=100/month.
  836. 11135=19900/month.
  837. 11136=Golden noble.
  838. 11137=Knight noble.
  839. 11138=Knight privilege.
  840. 11139=Noble gift.
  841. 11140=Avatar border.
  842. 11141=Birthday sparkle.
  843. 11142=Recharge discount.
  844. 11143=Call discount.
  845. 11144=180 days.
  846. 11145=90 days.
  847. 11146=30 days.
  848. 11147=Bronze noble.
  849. 11148=Entry special effect.
  850. 11149=Noble barrage.
  851. 11150=Silver noble.
  852. 11151=Noble nameplate.
  853. 11152=Gift broadcast.
  854. 11153=Anti-kick and anti-mute.
  855. 11154=VIP seating.
  856. 11155=Supreme noble.
  857. 11156=Invisible privilege.
  858. 11157=Site-wide broadcast.
  859. 11158=Unlimited access to private images.
  860. 11159=Unrestricted access to ticketed rooms.
  861. 11160=All.
  862. 11161=Tipping earnings.
  863. 11162=Call earnings.
  864. 11163=Fan club earnings.
  865. 11164=Guardian earnings.
  866. 11165=Song request records.
  867. 11166=Send barrage.
  868. 11167=Livestream replay.
  869. 11168=Private view.
  870. 11169=Reward earnings.
  871. 11170=Contact information.
  872. 11171=Host's turntable.
  873. 11172=Room earnings.
  874. 11173=Paid private message.
  875. 11174=piece.
  876. 11175=] fan club.
  877. 11176=Joined [@
  878. 11177=Successfully invited audience member to join the stage!
  879. 11178=Load successful.
  880. 11179=Locked mic successfully.
  881. 11180=Unlocked successfully.
  882. 11181=Invitation successful!
  883. 11182=Refused to go on stage!
  884. 11183=No longer on the stage.
  885. 11184=Successfully sent sticker pack.
  886. 11185=Check-in successful.
  887. 11186=Gift sent.
  888. 11187=View livestream room.
  889. 11188=Share livestream room.
  890. 11189=Paid video call count.
  891. 11190=Paid voice call count.
  892. 11191=Paid video call minutes.
  893. 11192=Paid voice call minutes.
  894. 11193=View.
  895. 11194=Like view.
  896. 11195=Share view.
  897. 11196=Follow user.
  898. 11197=Private message task.
  899. 11198=Publish view.
  900. 11199=Gifts sent count.
  901. 11200=Livestream duration.
  902. 11201=Livestream days.
  903. 11202=Accumulated earnings in magic tickets.
  904. 11203=Number of followers.
  905. 11204=Number of gift senders.
  906. 11205=Number of PK victories.
  907. 11206=Number of likes.
  908. 11207=Number of views.
  909. 11208=Number of shares.
  910. 11209=Publish private view.
  911. 11210=Number of purchases received.
  912. 11211=Number of gifts received.
  913. 11212=Recharge.
  914. 11213=Recommendation commission.
  915. 11214=Exchange.
  916. 11215=Game winnings.
  917. 11216=Tipping.
  918. 11217=Song request.
  919. 11218=Paid livestream replay.
  920. 11219=Guard
  921. 11220=Purchase noble.
  922. 11221=Purchase props.
  923. 11222=Game expenses.
  924. 11223=Red envelope.
  925. 11224=View contact information.
  926. 11225=Purchase SVIP.
  927. 11226=Room fee.
  928. 11227=Purchase VIP seating.
  929. 11228=Game lottery.
  930. 11229=Withdrawal.
  931. 11230=Seeking orders.
  932. 11231=Long video.
  933. 11232=Mystery box.
  934. 11233=Unknown message.
  935. 11234=Image.
  936. 11235=GIFT.
  937. 11236=Audio.
  938. 11238=Video.
  939. 11239=One-on-one voice.
  940. 11240=One-on-one video.
  941. 11241=Red envelope style 1.
  942. 11242=Text.
  943. 11243=Group prompt message.
  944. 11244=Shopping.
  945. 11245=Send red envelope.
  946. 11246=Receive red envelope.
  947. 11247=Join the Agency.
  948. 11248=Beg for reward.
  949. 11249=Voice message check response.
  950. 11250=Buyer places order.
  951. 11251=Buyer completes payment.
  952. 11252=Seller ships
  953. 11253=Buyer confirms receipt, transaction completed.
  954. 11254=Buyer cancels order.
  955. 11255=Buyer applies for a refund.
  956. 11256=Buyer ships.
  957. 11257=Seller agrees to refund request.
  958. 11258=Seller refuses refund.
  959. 11259=Seller confirms receipt, agrees to refund.
  960. 11260=Refunded, transaction closed.
  961. 11261=Refund in progress.
  962. 11262=Submit application.
  963. 11263=Waiting for seller's review.
  964. 11264=Seller receives goods.
  965. 11265=Refund successful.
  966. 11266=Seller's review passed.
  967. 11267=Seller's review failed.
  968. 11268=Seller refuses to receive goods.
  969. 11269=Gold recharge.
  970. 11270=Shopping payment.
  971. 11271=Purchase guardian.
  972. 11272=Payment parameter error.
  973. 11273=Recharge rule does not exist.
  974. 11274=Chinese yuan.
  975. 11275=Online recharge.
  976. 11276=Backstage recharge.
  977. 11277=Deduct.
  978. 11278=First recharge reward.
  979. 11279=Novice gift package.
  980. 11280=Purchase noble, receive gold coin earnings.
  981. 11281=Level gift package.
  982. 11282=Continuous login rewards.
  983. 11283=Recharge rewards.
  984. 11284=Commission exchange.
  985. 11285=Livestream room tipping.
  986. 11286=Short video tipping.
  987. 11287=Chat tipping.
  988. 11288=Call tipping.
  989. 11289=Profile tipping.
  990. 11290=Lucky gift.
  991. 11291=Long video tipping.
  992. 11292=Private video.
  993. 11293=Private image.
  994. 11294=Join fan club.
  995. 11295=Video call.
  996. 11296=Voice call.
  997. 11297=User-to-user call.
  998. 11298=Purchase mount.
  999. 11299=Purchase mic decoration.
  1000. 11300=Purchase fancy number.
  1001. 11301=Red envelope refund.
  1002. 11302=View phone number.
  1003. 11303=View WeChat ID.
  1004. 11304=Paid room.
  1005. 11305=Timed room.
  1006. 11306=Treasure box lottery.
  1007. 11307=Registration commission.
  1008. 11308=Host certification commission.
  1009. 11309=Check-in commission.
  1010. 11310=Call commission.
  1011. 11311=Earnings commission.
  1012. 11312=Commission supplement.
  1013. 11313=User recharge.
  1014. 11314=Purchase noble commission.
  1015. 11315=Purchase SVIP commission.
  1016. 11316=Mystery box commission.
  1017. 11317=User commission withdrawal.
  1018. 11318=Agent commission withdrawal.
  1019. 11319=Host earnings withdrawal.
  1020. 11320=Guild commission withdrawal.
  1021. 11321=Merchant earnings withdrawal.
  1022. 11322=Seeking order.
  1023. 11323=Order cancellation.
  1024. 11324=Order refusal.
  1025. 11325=Order completion.
  1026. 11326=Purchase long video.
  1027. 11327=Open mystery box.
  1028. 11328=Store mystery box.
  1029. 11329=Increase.
  1030. 11330=Increase Chinese yuan.
  1031. 11331=Decrease.
  1032. 11332=Decrease Chinese yuan.
  1033. 11333=Agent commission.
  1034. 11334=Guild earnings.
  1035. 11335=Talent agent earnings.
  1036. 11336=User registration.
  1037. 11337=Host certification.
  1038. 11338=User recharge.
  1039. 11339=Host earnings.
  1040. 11340=Open noble.
  1041. 11341=Android recharge commission.
  1042. 11342=iOS recharge commission.
  1043. 11343=Video group chat.
  1044. 11344=Contact goddess.
  1045. 11345=Private message privilege.
  1046. 11346=Free call.
  1047. 11347=Hide distance.
  1048. 11348=Display video.
  1049. 11349=Display voice.
  1050. 11350=Display poster.
  1051. 11351=Personal signature.
  1052. 11352=Membership name.
  1053. 11353=Membership balance.
  1054. 11354=Host name.
  1055. 11355=Guardian duration.
  1056. 11356=Prize name.
  1057. 11357=Noble level.
  1058. 11358=Membership level.
  1059. 11359=Host level.
  1060. 11360=Withdrawal amount.
  1061. 11361=Recharge time.
  1062. 11362=Withdrawal time.
  1063. 11363=Recharge amount.
  1064. 11364=Withdrawal status.
  1065. 11365=Recharge status.
  1066. 11366=Certification status.
  1067. 11367=Cover status.
  1068. 11368=Report status.
  1069. 11369=Profile review status.
  1070. 11370=Profile review type.
  1071. 11371=Note.
  1072. 11372=Agency name.
  1073. 11373=Agency review status.
  1074. 11374=Agency dissolution review status.
  1075. 11375=Join Agency review status.
  1076. 11376=Agency level.
  1077. 11377=Consumption currency.
  1078. 11378=Earnings currency.
  1079. 11379=Short video upload time.
  1080. 11380=Dynamic upload time.
  1081. 11381=Advisor certification status.
  1082. 11382=User feedback.
  1083. 11383=User feedback handling result.
  1084. 11384=Level gift package content.
  1085. 11385=Level gift package name.
  1086. 11386=Recharge successful.
  1087. 11387=Winning notification.
  1088. 11388=Open guardian.
  1089. 11389=Guardian expiration.
  1090. 11390=Noble expiration.
  1091. 11391=Level up.
  1092. 11392=Host certification review.
  1093. 11393=Live cover review.
  1094. 11394=Report handling.
  1095. 11395=Withdrawal notification.
  1096. 11396=Host profile review.
  1097. 11397=Seeking order notification.
  1098. 11398=Create chat Agency.
  1099. 11399=Chat Agency review.
  1100. 11400=Disband chat Agency.
  1101. 11401=Disband chat Agency review.
  1102. 11402=Apply to join chat Agency.
  1103. 11403=Join chat Agency review.
  1104. 11404=Leave chat Agency.
  1105. 11405=Agency upgrade.
  1106. 11406=Short video content review.
  1107. 11407=Dynamic content review.
  1108. 11408=Image display.
  1109. 11409=Seeking advisor certification.
  1110. 11410=User feedback result handling.
  1111. 11411=Report information added, please wait patiently for administrator's handling.
  1112. 11412=Failed to obtain merchant center.
  1113. 11413=Successfully obtained merchant center.
  1114. 11414=Shop does not exist.
  1115. 11415=Verification passed.
  1116. 11416=Successfully obtained.
  1117. 11417=Current game does not exist.
  1118. 11418=Lottery successful.
  1119. 11419=Successfully added.
  1120. 11420=Parsing failed.
  1121. 11421=Parsing successful.
  1122. 11422=Publication successful.
  1123. 11423=Your dynamic is under review, please wait patiently.
  1124. 11424=Replacement successful.
  1125. 11425=Operation completed.
  1126. 11426=Your account has been canceled, only \u3010
  1127. 11427=\u3011left to re-register.
  1128. 11428=Registration successful.
  1129. 11429=Comment successful
  1130. 11430=Join Sitting
  1131. 11431=Clearance successful
  1132. 11432=Opened\u3010
  1133. 11433=\u3011Aristocrats
  1134. 11434 = Wealth level reached L
  1135. 11435 = Can speak
  1136. 11436 = User balance is lower than the required amount to send bullet screen:
  1137. 11437 = Send bullet screen in [@
  1138. 11438 = ] live room
  1139. 11439 = Sent successfully
  1140. 11440 = Congratulations on leveling up to
  1141. 11441 = Wealth level upgraded
  1142. 11442 = Anchor level upgraded
  1143. 11443 = Charm level upgraded
  1144. 11444 = Backpack gift does not exist
  1145. 11445 = Insufficient quantity of backpack gifts
  1146. 11446 = User balance is lower than the value of the gift:
  1147. 11447 = You are not a member of the fan group, cannot send fan group gifts
  1148. 11448 = You are not a guardian, cannot send guardian gifts
  1149. 11449 = Noble level is not enough, cannot send noble gifts
  1150. 11450 = Gift type does not exist
  1151. 11451 = Reward: [@
  1152. 11452 = Send to them
  1153. 11453 = Live preview cannot exceed
  1154. 11454 = Your small store is under review, please wait for approval
  1155. 11455 = Application successful
  1156. 11456 = Withdrawal successful
  1157. 11457 = Your small store information is under review
  1158. 11458 = Reward: Lucky gift [
  1159. 11459 = ], won: [
  1160. 11460 = The current gift is not a points gift
  1161. 11461 = Insufficient points
  1162. 11462 = [Decrease] giving gifts
  1163. 11463 = [Increase] receiving gifts
  1164. 11464 = Gift
  1165. 11465 = Request reward from the other party
  1166. 11466 = Request reward successful
  1167. 11467 = Cancel successful
  1168. 11468 = Collection successful
  1169. 11469 = User added successfully
  1170. 11470 = User information updated successfully
  1171. 11471 = Deduct points successfully
  1172. 11472 = Add points successfully
  1173. 11473 = Call successful
  1174. 11474 = Can check in
  1175. 11475 = Kicked out successfully
  1176. 11476 = Successfully obtained kick list
  1177. 11477 = Lifted kick successfully
  1178. 11478 = Muted successfully
  1179. 11479 = Mute lifted successfully
  1180. 11480 = Room mode has already been modified and cannot be modified again
  1181. 11481 = Room mode not configured
  1182. 11482 = Range is
  1183. 11483 = Room mode modified
  1184. 11484 = Room locked
  1185. 11485 = Room unlocked
  1186. 11486 = Exit successful
  1187. 11487 = Logout successful!
  1188. 11488 = Search successful
  1189. 11489 = Application successful, pending review
  1190. 11490 = Live room ID cannot be less than or equal to 0
  1191. 11491 = Interest tags updated successfully
  1192. 11492 = Verification successful
  1193. 11493=Captcha.
  1194. 11494 = Exit PK successful
  1195. 11495 = Exit PK match successful!
  1196. 11496 = Cannot send gifts to yourself
  1197. 11497 = Missing ID of the gift recipient
  1198. 11498 = Abnormal parameter type
  1199. 11499 = This feature is not currently available
  1200. 11500 = One-click gift all gifts can only be sent to one person
  1201. 11501 = Pinning successful
  1202. 11502 = Unpinning successful
  1203. 11503 = Dressing up successful
  1204. 11504 = Undo dressing up
  1205. 11505 = Submission successful
  1206. 11506 = Purchase successful
  1207. 11507 = Like successful
  1208. 11508 = Fill in the search box with something
  1209. 11509 = Viewer's user ID is empty
  1210. 11510 = Incorrect dynamic type
  1211. 11511 = Passed content review
  1212. 11512 = Already in a room PK, cannot match again
  1213. 11513 = Previously matched user is no longer in the match
  1214. 11514 = Initiate PK successful
  1215. 11515 = Translation not enabled, displaying original text
  1216. 11516 = Translation completed
  1217. 11517 = Red packet sent successfully
  1218. 11518 = [Off Broadcast Reminder: Due to violations, the room will be closed on
  1219. 11519 = Close in seconds]
  1220. 11520 = Unlock
  1221. 11521 = Hot
  1222. 11522 = Request sent for microphone
  1223. 11523 = Microphone replaced
  1224. 11524 = The broadcaster locked the microphone
  1225. 11525 = Admin has disabled the microphone
  1226. 11526 = Admin opened the microphone
  1227. 11527= Send pinned message in chat room
  1228. 11528=Check
  1229. 11529=Private updates
  1230. 11530=Manual recharge
  1231. 11531=Backstage
  1232. 11532=Brokerage
  1233. 11533=To use a backpack gift:
  1234. 11534=Register
  1235. 11535=Certification
  1236. 11536=Redemption successful
  1237. 11537=Redemption completed
  1238. 11538=Binding successful
  1239. 11539=Certification passed
  1240. 11540=Opened successfully
  1241. 11541=Closed successfully
  1242. 11542=Saved successfully, Next step
  1243. 11543=Submission completed, Waiting for review
  1244. 11544=Can be published
  1245. 11545=Login successful
  1246. 11546=Ordinary treasure chest, Number of draws:
  1247. 11547=Lucky treasure chest, Number of draws:
  1248. 11548=Buy
  1249. 11549=Live broadcast room VIP seats
  1250. 11550=Live broadcast room tickets
  1251. 11551=Timed live broadcast room
  1252. 11552=Receive
  1253. 11553=Of gift pack
  1254. 11554={}\u2019s gift pack has been collected
  1255. 11555=Received successfully
  1256. 11556=The gift package has expired or has been collected.
  1257. 11557=The gift package expires and the remainder will be returned
  1258. 11558=The gift package is returned to the user
  1259. 11559=Continuous login:
  1260. 11560=Dedicated account
  1261. 11561=Mount
  1262. 11562=Wheat position jewelry
  1263. 11563=Buy short videos
  1264. 11564=Buy pictures
  1265. 11565=The quantity is
  1266. 11566=Between
  1267. 11567=Not enough views
  1268. 11569=Invalid binding code
  1269. 11570=Balance
  1270. 11572=Balance withdrawal
  1271. 11573=Add Balance
  1272. #11568=
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